Haptonomy :: Dr-Mock


Affection science

Any organism, from the most elementary cell to the embryo or a multicellular organism like the human being, exists in its environment (the world) thanks to a complex system allowing faculties of PERCEPTION (hapsis) as different as knowing, estimating , evaluating, discerning, distinguishing, selecting, separating to take, learning, understanding, ordering, coordinating, encoding, storing and memorizing.

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Dr Mock


Affection science

Any organism, from the most elementary cell to the embryo or a multicellular organism like the human being, exists in its environment (the world) thanks to a complex system allowing faculties of PERCEPTION (hapsis) as different as knowing, estimating , evaluating, discerning, distinguishing, selecting, separating to take, learning, understanding, ordering, coordinating, encoding, storing and memorizing.

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Dr Mock


What is haptonomy ?

Any organism, from the most elementary cell to the embryo or a multicellular organism like the human being, exists in its environment (the world) thanks to a complex system allowing faculties of PERCEPTION (hapsis) as different as knowing, estimating , evaluating, discerning, distinguishing, selecting, separating to take, learning, understanding, ordering, coordinating, encoding, storing and memorizing. All this is present in the archaic TACT, a kind of vital sensorium, original at its origin of the primitive sense of perception of life, an essential life-principle, HAPSIS. What is useful for life, a good -vital awakens a feeling of well-being, pleasure and delight in more complex beings. Imagine the first cells or first cellular beings, the protozoan, or even the embryo coming into sensory- (a) perceptual contact with its environment (outside world) by "feeling" and "feeling" through membrane receptors on its cytoplasmic envelope. It is a true original intelligence based on this primitive tact at the origin of reason and emotion. These are the bases of ETHICS (perception of goodness) and AESTHETICS (perception of beauty) of human beings.


How to practice haptonomy ?



HAPTOSYNESIA essentially concerns the application of haptonomic phenomenality (see above) to the care of people, helping them to cope with their disease or disability or even overcome it by giving them all their dignity, autonomy and verticality through emotional confirmation which will only enable them to mobilize their vital intentionality and their capacity to discern what is good for them. Etymologically, Hapto- in Greek comes from, to perceive, to grasp by the senses-tact, vision, taste, olfaction, hearing and feeling, to put in contact with. Synesis, syn- set and eimi-being, synesis- encounter, junction, comprehension, knowledge, consciousness. The patient is guided throughout the care towards rationalized consensus (assensus and circumsensus) that should be detected during the three discovery sessions as well as the 4th session. In general, the patient experiences his illness as an intimate catastrophe, a narcissistic wound. Their way of being in the world can translate into a state of vulnerability and insecurity that is called consensus insensus. In this state, the patient is confined not only by the limits inherent to their handicap, in their significant constellation but also by the limitations which are added to each other due to the MIR, the internal world of specific representations, that a haptonomic approach can transform by the undertaking of progressive awareness of the haptic faculties starting from the perception in order to guide the patient towards a koïnesthesia, a completeness, a pleasure of living and of existing despite the disease.

 The pursuant (therapist) invites themself to LIVE the present moment in its complexity and totality by appealing to an essential faculty in humans and yet undeveloped, HAPSIS, an initial sensoriality present from the start of life, real archaic intelligence making the link between the organism and its environment, allowing it to discern what it is experiencing, to set itself in motion and to strive for the Good of it, including conscious and assumed therapeutic renunciation. By his happerceptive faculty (beyond oneself) the approaching person will be able to be, say and do at best in relation to the approach in these sometimes-delicate situations. It comes from the Greek haptein which means to put in relation. Haptonomy is the result of an authentic encounter between two subjects, one approaching, the other approached in the living reciprocity of experience. It is a faculty specific to the human being to the feeling in one’s body here and now, present to themselves with all their present senses, all their happerception (hapsis and perception), allowing them to enter into a relationship and to be present in the world in which they live, to take their place and to make room for the other with the most intimate emotions, the emotional world. It is the possibility for a therapist, aware and present to themselves like the mother with their child, to invite thanks to the confirmation of his contact the patient, to set in motion their receptive faculties which will allow them to feel a completeness, source of well-being, pleasure and independent certainty for what fits their life.

The meeting of a person, a subject-being, first with themselves with their full awareness of the richness, the infinity and the complexity of their emotional world, going to meet themself or ipseity as horizon or meaning of its existence by approaching it as it matures emotionally, then to the surrounding world and to the next, a different and unique subject-being in unconditional Love and respect: philia. In therapy, it must be said that everyone has more or less developed haptonomic faculties. They are referred to in a somewhat simplified fashion as empathy, kindness, or human quality. In fact, it's more complex. It is a real art of healing or rather an art of accompanying the other, causing the other to set in motion their hapsis, their libido vitalis so that they can face their disease in a dignified and autonomous manner.

Their experience can take place through thymesthetic contact, an affective-confirming encounter between two people, an approach (therapist) and an approach (the patient) possible by the initiation of a presence to oneself going towards the other in the 'hic and nunc without mentalization while remaining open to the other in respect, transparency and without judgment or word, all the people by putting in motion all their HAPSIS. It is an invitation in their animated body to meet the other through thymotactile contact which can be practiced in several ways. There is a real commitment of our animated body to be there for each other. And then the magic of contact using all the haptic faculties of one and the other operates and tilts both in the complex emotional universe beyond space and time which allows us to feel safe and recognized in our Being, real sweets of life (extentus affectus-way of being in the world) allowing us to feel fully alive in an animated body integrating the complex world of the affective, i.e. emotions thus preserving this pleasure of living, this LUST or delight in life experiences. It is being present to oneself and to your emotional universe and to meet the other in an authentic, careful and patient relationship with complete transparency. It is the possibility for a human being to live an experience of encounter in his heart of hearts setting in motion in oneself and in the other the world of emotions thanks to the magic of THYMESTHESIA with or without contact.

In both cases there is thus the awareness that a human person, both oneself and the other, is more than a corporeality, an anatomo-physio-pathological body when we integrate the dimension of emotional experience. (Emotions, "the soul"), the animated body as well as the deep being that constitutes ourself with its ethical and aesthetic consciousness, the thymos. There is the discovery that, philogenetically and ontologically, the human being, like the first unicellular organisms at the time of the appearance of Life on earth, is organized for the encounter with the world that surrounds him, making him a receiver, transmitter, transformer. Transformed and transformable as Jean-Louis Revardel says with a vital, aesthetic and ethical objective of “VIVRE LE BON”. In haptonomy, the concept of HAPSIS, this life force (vis vitalis) transforming into the pleasure of living (libido vitalis) source of haptic faculties is present in any more or less developed person.

Dr Mock

To be in order to have

Dr med. Pascal Mock

